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GARY GORROW | Vedic Meditation Master Teacher

We interview the teacher of teachers and thank him for weaving Vedic Meditation into our lives…

We are lucky enough, over the last 16 years, to have met and worked alongside many CREATIVE and artfully talented people.  Some have helped us shape and grow our brand. And some, well, we just think they are fabulous.

Here with, a series of conversations with CREATIVES we love and admire... we talk about their passions and persuasions... and their desire to create, inspire and forge meaningful paths.

We hope their musings inspire you as much as they do the GINGER & SMART team...


He’s been described as a 1000 year old man trapped in a young mans body… which is another way of saying, Gary Gorrow has a wisdom, knowledge and practice that many, many people admire and desire.
He’s a teacher of teachers and a light … and we thank him for weaving Vedic Meditation into ours lives…


GINGER & SMART: What is the most influential moment that has led you on your creative path?

Gary: I think it was a series of moments. I grew up with two older brothers who were and still are creative powerhouses. I used to get a bit depressed as that gene seemed to have skipped me. But once I began meditating I found this creative spirit began to rise in me and I found myself doing wonderful things that took me on a journey from film, fashion, photography and then spiritual architecture. Helping people redesign their minds and consciousness.

GINGER & SMART: How did you end up doing what you do?

Gary: I have always been keenly interested in understanding the nature of life, human psychology and how we can thrive. I personally got to a point when I was 21 where I was so stressed and unhappy that I realised I needed to change things in a signficiant way or I would be a wreck by the time I was 30. So I was led to learn Vedic Meditation and it absolutely changed my life in the most effortless and beautiful way. From that very first session with my teacher I knew that someday I’d be giving myself fully to sharing this practice with others. And here I am doing just that. It’s also blossomed into more than simply meditating, I’m also a performance coach, mentor, therapist. All labels really, but I simply help people live more artfully and to enjoy the process of life.

GINGER & SMARTHow do ideas come to you…

Gary: My best ideas seem to dawn when ever I create a state of deep inner quietude. If I’m ever struggling with something or needing insight or solution that doesn’t seem to arrive then I typically take time out and create space within my awareness then ideas start dropping in. It’s pretty magic. 

GINGER & SMARTWhat is your process…

Gary: I seek out the natural world, abandon all technology, consciously let go of all my worldly concerns and simply open myself to the idea of going deep into a state of being. All my Meditation has created an inner space of quiet, so I drop into that and just let myself go and merge with the moment. Then insights start to come. 

GINGER & SMARTHow do you translate ideas into reality…

Gary: Like most people I guess I see things inside my mind first then I seek to bring that into form. Depending on what that form is determines the approach. At the moment I’m building a meditation retreat in Byron Bay so every step of that journey is different. It’s going to be a convergence of consciousness, art, music, culture and nature. So I’m thinking on so many different levels whilst laying floor joists and setting frames for the main accommodation.

GINGER & SMARTWho do you work with? Do you have a team, or do you work better alone…

Gary: I’m a solo operator mostly, but when I run retreats or private intensives for people I bring in my team of experts to weave magic on my clients. Everyone is unique and each situation requires certain elements. 

GINGER & SMARTWhat type of person are you?

Gary: I’m not really sure how to answer that question. Everyone sees me from their point of view. People seem to offer praise for my work and who I am, but I guess I’m not comfortable with praise. I just like to see myself as a simple and easy going guy who loves people.

GINGER & SMARTWhat are the things around you that you need to create?

Gary: Inspiring people, solitude. 

GINGER & SMARTWhat did your teachers think of you? What were you like at school?

Gary: I was a likeable student. I had great relationships with my teachers except the science faculty! But I really didn’t enjoy school that much, it didn’t make sense to me that I was spending so much time learning all this material that was going to have little benefit or application on my future life. I finished school while all my friends were off to university and chasing down careers and there I was thinking I have no clue what to do with my life. I was lost but that was great because I went on journey simply following the joy and the calling of the moment. Here I am now after a wild journey through so many places and spaces. I’m still learning and growing.

GINGER & SMARTWhere do you work?

Gary: Mostly in Sydney and Byron Bay, but I also travel overseas to work with certain clients. Have knowledge… will travel to share. 

GINGER & SMARTHow does your real life and your work life mix?

Gary: They seem to flow together. I am who I am. I never pretend to be more or less than I am, so what you see is what you get. But on a practical level I’m a single dad with two kids, I travel often for work teaching and working with an AFL team. I’m also in the midst of building a lofty retreat in Byron so I’m certainly loaded with things to do. But I do my best to stay balanced, stay playful, stay healthful and enjoy the process. 

GINGER & SMARTWhat is creativity to you?

Gary: It’s the most precious force in life. We are all creators and all capable of magic. We typically think of creativity in relation to music, art, fashion etc, but I think creativity is also how you hold a conversation, how you express yourself through movement, how you raise your kids, literally everything is a creation. Creation is different more better.  

GINGER & SMARTWhere do you see yourself in 5 years.

Gary: I really don’t like to think about the future, it makes my present life feel like it’s dead. I generally focus on the now and make short term goals. I have this philosophy that the universe owns me and it is guiding my life on.

But the suggestions that I’m feeling for the next 5 years is that I’ll be living in Byron Bay and my retreat will be thriving.  I’ll have an amazing team working with me to help transform people’s lives.

On my side I would like to continue to work with elite athletes and individuals. I’d like to fall deeply in love and also see my darling kids continue to blossom into the miracles they are.



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